Tom Leek

The Only Florida State Senate Candidate In District 7

Endorsed By Every County Sheriff
America First Congressman
Governor Ron Desantis

Florida Governor
Ron DeSantis
“I’m happy to endorse Tom Leek, a proven conservative, for the Florida Senate. In the Florida House, he has fought alongside us on the countless initiatives that have made Florida the freest state in the union. I look forward to continuing to work with him as District 7’s next Senator”.
Volusia County Sheriff
Mike Chitwood
Flagler County Sheriff
Rick Staly
Putnam County Sheriff
H.D. "Gator" Deloach
St. Johns County Sheriff
Robert Hardwick
Michael Waltz
Cory Mills

Tom Leek

The Conservative Republican with a Proven Record of Fighting for our Law Enforcement Heroes, Protecting our Elections, and Standing WIth America First Congressmen.

Congressman Michael Waltz (R-Florida District 6) said, “Tom Leek upholds conservative values and consistently delivers results for the people of Northeast Florida. He is a true servant leader who respects and protects our men and women in uniform, as well as their families. There is no question in my mind that he will continue this important work in the state Senate, and as a veteran, I am extremely proud to offer him my endorsement.”

Congressman Cory Mills (R-Florida District 7) said, “It is a privilege to endorse Tom Leek. I know him as a man of integrity who has worked to improve the lives of his fellow Floridians — especially first responders, military personnel, and veterans — and I am confident he will continue to lead with strength and a steadfast conservative vision in this role.”

Volusia County Sheriff Mike Chitwood said, “As Volusia County Sheriff, I believe in encouraging innovation and establishing strong community partnerships to keep our people safe. Since his first day in elected office, Tom Leek has demonstrated similar, respectable values, while prioritizing the best interests of law enforcement in all that he does, which is why I am honored to endorse him for the Florida Senate.”

Putnam County Sheriff H.D. “Gator” DeLoach said, “To ensure Putman County remains a safe place to live, raise a family, and grow a business, we must strive to foster a pro-law enforcement community. As Sheriff, I know Tom Leek has and will continue to champion my team’s important and often life-saving work at both the local and state levels, and it is with that in mind that I offer him my enthusiastic endorsement for the Florida Senate.”

Flagler County Sheriff Rick Staly said, “Those of us at the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office live by the words ‘An Honor to Serve,  A Duty to Protect.’ After eight years in the Florida House of Representatives, Tom Leek has proven he is a man of integrity who will always do what is necessary to keep his constituents safe, including backing the blue at every opportunity. I am proud to endorse his Florida Senate bid.”

St. Johns County Sheriff Robert Hardwick said, “Florida is the most law enforcement-friendly state in the nation thanks to leaders like Tom Leek. I commend him for spearheading initiatives in the Florida House of Representatives like House Bill 3 in 2022 and thank him for all he has done to ensure out state supports, recruits, and retains the very best men and women into this noble profession. I am proud to endorse his Florida Senate campaign.”

When our Law Enforcement Leaders call for backup to pass laws that protect Florida, they know they have a proven champion.

Tom Leek. The proven conservative republican state senate candidate.